
Feature request: Extra Path config for node.js installation

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I would like to be able to configure the node.js path in maven, so that jsweet can find a node.js installation installed by https://github.com/eirslett/frontend-maven-plugin.
see cincheo/jsweet#347 for (gradle specific) details.
Once jsweet has exposed EXTRA_PATH, expose the extraPath configuration property to the maven build.

I added this to the maven plugin because I add to fix something inside it, if you want to review:

Same principle as for Gradle plugin, we use ProcessUtil directly but in the future we may go through JSweet config, it would make sense

@philwilkinson could you check and close issue of ok for you please?

Perfect. Now with jsweet-maven-plugin version 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT I can add


To the jsweet-examples pom and now mvn install will use my builds locally installed node.js (installed previously in gradle build). Which is exacly what I wanted. Thanks.