Option -n non-existent in samtools bam2fq -n
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I'm having problems running this new version because run-fermi.pl generates a make file that calls to samtools bam2fq -n file.bam.
Seems that there's no option -n in "samtools bam2fq".
Your work is great, thank you!
What is your command line? Are you feeding a BAM as input?
Yes, I'm feeding BAM as input.
run-fermi.pl -t24 ../unmapped.bam > fmdef.mak
make -f ./fmdef.mak -j24 > log 2>&1
(samtools bam2fq -n ../unmapped.bam) | fermi ropebwt -a bcr -v3 -btNf fmdef.raw.tmp - > fmdef.raw.fmd 2> fmdef.raw.fmd.log
open: No such file or directory
After editing fmdef.mak, deleting the option -n in samtools bam2fq -n, all runs flawlessly.
It is not recommended to use BAM as input, unless you know what samtools/fermi is doing. If you want to use BAM anyway, you need "-n" at least for some versions of fermi (not sure now). The option is available in the latest samtools.
Also, your BAM must be name sorted and both ends in each pair are present; otherwise you can only get contigs without using read pairs.
Right, then I need the latest samtools.
I'm trying samtools 0.1.18-dev (r982:313) from your sourceforge svn repository (is this the primary source?). Seems that hasn't the -n option.
samtools bam2fq -n unmapped.bam | head -10
open: No such file or directory
samtools bam2fq unmapped.bam | head -10
Samtools has been moved to samtools/samtools for a year or so.
Oh, sorry, I didn't realize.
Now all is working with version 0.1.18-r580
Thank you!