ImpactKit 2018 - Project ideas
Closed this issue · 3 comments
This issue is for keeping track of project ideas for the next ImpactKit. There doesn't need to be any additional details, just enough words to make sure so we don't forget them.
(Though information/links/contact people/etc. are also welcome!)
My ideas:
- Correcting the magnetic field map
- Adding pdfs to RooFit (Hypatia, Triple Gaussian, ...)
- Write some self guided lessons (scikit-learn, fitting, limit setting with CLs)
We could also add some advanced AP lessons:
- Container customization
- Snakemake wildcarding
@sneubert After talking to Luca Pescatore yesterday, I was thinking to have a lesson on "How to containerize your analysis" and then add as project "Containerize your analysis". However, I would not put advanced AP lessons in the ImpactKit: normal lessons would be enough, as people don't know much about it anyway... What do you think?
There are two known issues with the MCDecayTreeTuple desribed in this thread:
- having two identical particles in the event results in picking up the same particle twice
- troubles when dealing with inclusive decays
There's also a person who is interested in participating in Impactkit and could work on solving these issues, if any experts will be available to help him there. What do you think?