
[TBC] List of standard library functions

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[TBC] List of standard library functions


  • Prints all args to the standard error stream, separated by
    spaces. A line break is appended to terminate the line.

  • Returns true if the operation succeeds; otherwise null.

std.debug.dump(value, [indent_increment])

  • Prints the value to the standard error stream with detailed
    information. indent_increment specifies the number of spaces
    used as a single level of indent. Its value is clamped between
    0 and 10 inclusively. If it is set to 0, no line break is
    inserted and output lines are not indented. It has a default
    value of 2.

  • Returns true if the operation succeeds; otherwise null.


  • Retrieves the wall clock time in UTC.

  • Returns the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch,
    represented as an integer.


  • Retrieves the wall clock time in the local time zone.

  • Returns the number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00
    in the local time zone, represented as an integer.


  • Retrieves a time point from a high resolution clock. The clock
    goes monotonically and cannot be adjusted, being suitable for
    time measurement. This function provides accuracy and might be
    quite heavyweight.

  • Returns the number of milliseconds since an unspecified time
    point, represented as a real.


  • Retrieves a time point from a steady clock. The clock goes
    monotonically and cannot be adjusted, being suitable for time
    measurement. This function is supposed to be fast and might
    have poor accuracy.

  • Returns the number of milliseconds since an unspecified time
    point, represented as an integer.


  • Converts a UTC time point to a local one. time_utc shall be
    the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.

  • Returns the number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00
    in the local time zone, represented as an integer.


  • Converts a local time point to a UTC one. time_local shall
    be the number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 in
    the local time zone.

  • Returns the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch,
    represented as an integer.


  • Parses time_str, which is an ASCII string representing a time
    point in the format 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000, according to the
    ISO 8601 standard; the subsecond part is optional and may have
    fewer or more digits. There shall be no leading or trailing

  • Returns the number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00
    if the time string has been parsed successfully; otherwise

std.chrono.format_datetime(time_point, [with_ms])

  • Converts time_point, which represents the number of
    milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00, to an ASCII string in
    the aforementioned format, according to the ISO 8601 standard.
    If with_ms is set to true, the string will have a 3-digit
    fractional part. By default, no fractional part is added.

  • Returns a string representing the time point.


  • Gets the special string that denotes the negative infinity time
    point. Calling this function has the same effect as calling
    format_datetime(-0x8000000000000000, with_ms).

  • Returns the string '1601-01-01 00:00:00' or the string
    '1601-01-01 00:00:00.000' according to with_ms.


  • Gets the special string that denotes the positive infinity time
    point. Calling this function has the same effect as calling
    format_datetime(0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, with_ms).

  • Returns the string '9999-01-01 00:00:00' or the string
    '9999-01-01 00:00:00.000' according to with_ms.


std.string.substr(text, from, [length])

  • Copies a subrange of text to create a new byte string. Bytes
    are copied from from if it is non-negative, and from
    lengthof(text) + from otherwise. If length is set to an
    integer, no more than this number of bytes will be copied. If
    it is absent, all bytes from from to the end of text will
    be copied. If from is outside text, an empty string is

  • Returns the specified substring of text.

std.string.replace_substr(text, from, replacement)

  • Replaces all bytes from from to the end of text with
    replacement and returns the new byte string. If from is
    negative, it specifies an offset from the end of text. This
    function returns a new string without modifying text.

  • Returns a string with the subrange replaced.

std.string.replace_substr(text, from, [length], replacement)

  • Replaces all bytes from from to the end of text with
    replacement and returns the new byte string. If from is
    negative, it specifies an offset from the end of text. If
    length is set to an integer, no more than this number of
    bytes will be copied. If it is null, this function is
    equivalent to replace_substr(text, from, replacement). This
    function returns a new string without modifying text.

  • Returns a string with the subrange replaced.

std.string.compare(text1, text2, [length])

  • Performs lexicographical comparison on two byte strings. If
    length is set to an integer, no more than this number of
    bytes are compared. This function behaves like the strncmp()
    function in C, except that null characters do not terminate

  • Returns a positive integer if text1 compares greater than
    text2, a negative integer if text1 compares less than
    text2, or zero if text1 compares equal to text2.

std.string.starts_with(text, prefix)

  • Checks whether prefix is a prefix of text. The empty
    string is considered to be a prefix of any string.

  • Returns true if prefix is a prefix of text; otherwise

std.string.ends_with(text, suffix)

  • Checks whether suffix is a suffix of text. The empty
    string is considered to be a suffix of any string.

  • Returns true if suffix is a suffix of text; otherwise

std.string.find(text, pattern)

  • Searches text for the first occurrence of pattern.

  • Returns the subscript of the first byte of the first match of
    pattern in text if one is found, which is always
    non-negative; otherwise null.

std.string.find(text, [from], pattern)

  • Searches text for the first occurrence of pattern. The
    search operation is performed on the same subrange that would
    be returned by substr(text, from ?? 0).

  • Returns the subscript of the first byte of the first match of
    pattern in text if one is found, which is always
    non-negative; otherwise null.

std.string.find(text, [from], [length], pattern)

  • Searches text for the first occurrence of pattern. The
    search operation is performed on the same subrange that would
    be returned by substr(text, from ?? 0, length).

  • Returns the subscript of the first byte of the first match of
    pattern in text if one is found, which is always
    non-negative; otherwise null.

std.string.rfind(text, pattern)

  • Searches text for the last occurrence of pattern.

  • Returns the subscript of the first byte of the last match of
    pattern in text if one is found, which is always
    non-negative; otherwise null.

std.string.rfind(text, [from], pattern)

  • Searches text for the last occurrence of pattern. The
    search operation is performed on the same subrange that would
    be returned by substr(text, from ?? 0).

  • Returns the subscript of the first byte of the last match of
    pattern in text if one is found, which is always
    non-negative; otherwise null.

std.string.rfind(text, [from], [length], pattern)

  • Searches text for the last occurrence of pattern.

  • Returns the subscript of the first byte of the last match of
    pattern in text if one is found, which is always
    non-negative; otherwise null.

std.string.find_and_replace(text, pattern, replacement)

  • Searches text for the first occurrence of pattern. If a
    match is found, it is replaced with replacement. This
    function returns a new string without modifying text.

  • Returns the string with pattern replaced. If text does not
    contain pattern, it is returned intact.

std.string.find_and_replace(text, [from], pattern, replacement)

  • Searches text for the first occurrence of pattern. If a
    match is found, it is replaced with replacement. The search
    operation is performed on the same subrange that would be
    returned by substr(text, from ?? 0). This function returns a
    new string without modifying text.

  • Returns the string with pattern replaced. If text does not
    contain pattern, it is returned intact.

std.string.find_and_replace(text, [from], [length], pattern, replacement)

  • Searches text for the first occurrence of pattern. The
    search operation is performed on the same subrange that would
    be returned by substr(text, from ?? 0, length). If a match is
    found, it is replaced with replacement. The search operation
    is performed on the same subrange that would be returned by
    substr(text, from ?? 0). This function returns a new string
    without modifying text.

  • Returns the string with pattern replaced. If text does not
    contain pattern, it is returned intact.

std.string.rfind_and_replace(text, pattern, replacement)

  • Searches text for the last occurrence of pattern. If a
    match is found, it is replaced with replacement. This
    function returns a new string without modifying text.

  • Returns the string with pattern replaced. If text does not
    contain pattern, it is returned intact.

std.string.rfind_and_replace(text, [from], pattern, replacement)

  • Searches text for the last occurrence of pattern. If a
    match is found, it is replaced with replacement. The search
    operation is performed on the same subrange that would be
    returned by substr(text, from ?? 0). This function returns a
    new string without modifying text.

  • Returns the string with pattern replaced. If text does not
    contain pattern, it is returned intact.

std.string.rfind_and_replace(text, [from], [length], pattern, replacement)

  • Searches text for the last occurrence of pattern. The
    search operation is performed on the same subrange that would
    be returned by substr(text, from ?? 0, length). If a match is
    found, it is replaced with replacement. The search operation
    is performed on the same subrange that would be returned by
    substr(text, from ?? 0). This function returns a new string
    without modifying text.

  • Returns the string with pattern replaced. If text does not
    contain pattern, it is returned intact.

std.string.find_any_of(text, accept)

  • Searches text for bytes that exist in accept.

  • Returns the subscript of the first byte found, which is always
    non-negative; or null if no such byte exists.

std.string.find_any_of(text, [from], accept)

  • Searches text for bytes that exist in accept. The search
    operation is performed on the same subrange that would be
    returned by substr(text, from ?? 0).

  • Returns the subscript of the first byte found, which is always
    non-negative; or null if no such byte exists.

std.string.find_any_of(text, [from], [length], accept)

  • Searches text for bytes that exist in accept. The search
    operation is performed on the same subrange that would be
    returned by substr(text, from ?? 0, length).

  • Returns the subscript of the first byte found, which is always
    non-negative; or null if no such byte exists.

std.string.rfind_any_of(text, accept)

  • Searches text for bytes that exist in accept.

  • Returns the subscript of the last byte found, which is always
    non-negative; or null if no such byte exists.

std.string.rfind_any_of(text, [from], accept)

  • Searches text for bytes that exist in accept. The search
    operation is performed on the same subrange that would be
    returned by substr(text, from ?? 0).

  • Returns the subscript of the last byte found, which is always
    non-negative; or null if no such byte exists.

std.string.rfind_any_of(text, [from], [length], accept)

  • Searches text for bytes that exist in accept. The search
    operation is performed on the same subrange that would be
    returned by substr(text, from ?? 0, length).

  • Returns the subscript of the last byte found, which is always
    non-negative; or null if no such byte exists.

std.string.find_not_of(text, reject)

  • Searches text for bytes that does not exist in reject.

  • Returns the subscript of the first byte found, which is always
    non-negative; or null if no such byte exists.

std.string.find_not_of(text, [from], reject)

  • Searches text for bytes that does not exist in reject. The
    search operation is performed on the same subrange that would
    be returned by substr(text, from ?? 0).

  • Returns the subscript of the first byte found, which is always
    non-negative; or null if no such byte exists.

std.string.find_not_of(text, [from], [length], reject)

  • Searches text for bytes that does not exist in reject. The
    search operation is performed on the same subrange that would
    be returned by substr(text, from ?? 0, length).

  • Returns the subscript of the first byte found, which is always
    non-negative; or null if no such byte exists.

std.string.rfind_not_of(text, reject)

  • Searches text for bytes that does not exist in reject.

  • Returns the subscript of the last byte found, which is always
    non-negative; or null if no such byte exists.

std.string.rfind_not_of(text, [from], reject)

  • Searches text for bytes that does not exist in reject. The
    search operation is performed on the same subrange that would
    be returned by substr(text, from ?? 0).

  • Returns the subscript of the last byte found, which is always
    non-negative; or null if no such byte exists.

std.string.rfind_not_of(text, [from], [length], reject)

  • Searches text for bytes that does not exist in reject. The
    search operation is performed on the same subrange that would
    be returned by substr(text, from ?? 0, length).

  • Returns the subscript of the last byte found, which is always
    non-negative; or null if no such byte exists.


  • Reverses a byte string. This function returns a new string
    without modifying text.

  • Returns the reversed string.

std.string.trim(text, [reject])

  • Removes the longest prefix and suffix consisting solely bytes
    from reject. If reject is empty, no byte is removed. If
    reject is not specified, spaces and tabs are removed. This
    function returns a new string without modifying text.

  • Returns the trimmed string.

std.string.ltrim(text, [reject])

  • Removes the longest prefix consisting solely bytes from
    reject. If reject is empty, no byte is removed. If reject
    is not specified, spaces and tabs are removed. This function
    returns a new string without modifying text.

  • Returns the trimmed string.

std.string.rtrim(text, [reject])

  • Removes the longest suffix consisting solely bytes from
    reject. If reject is empty, no byte is removed. If reject
    is not specified, spaces and tabs are removed. This function
    returns a new string without modifying text.

  • Returns the trimmed string.


  • Converts all lowercase English letters in text to their
    uppercase counterparts. This function returns a new string
    without modifying text.

  • Returns a new string after the conversion.


  • Converts all uppercase English letters in text to their
    lowercase counterparts. This function returns a new string
    without modifying text.

  • Returns a new string after the conversion.

std.string.explode(text, [delim], [limit])

  • Breaks text down into segments, separated by delim. If
    delim is null or an empty string, every byte becomes a
    segment. If limit is set to a positive integer, there will
    be no more segments than this number; the last segment will
    contain all the remaining bytes of the text.

  • Returns an array containing the broken-down segments. If
    text is empty, an empty array is returned.

  • Throws an exception if limit is zero or negative.

std.string.implode(segments, [delim])

  • Concatenates elements of an array, segments, to create a new
    string. All segments shall be strings. If delim is
    specified, it is inserted between adjacent segments.

  • Returns a string containing all segments. If segments is
    empty, an empty string is returned.

std.string.hex_encode(text, [delim], [uppercase])

  • Encodes all bytes in text as 2-digit hexadecimal numbers and
    concatenates them. If delim is specified, it is inserted
    between adjacent bytes. If uppercase is set to true,
    hexadecimal digits above 9 are encoded as ABCDEF; otherwise
    they are encoded as abcdef.

  • Returns the encoded string. If text is empty, an empty
    string is returned.


  • Decodes all hexadecimal digits from hstr and converts them to
    bytes. Whitespaces are ignored. Characters that are neither
    hexadecimal digits nor whitespaces will cause parse errors.

  • Returns a string containing decoded bytes. If hstr is empty
    or consists only whitespaces, an empty string is returned. In
    the case of parse errors, null is returned.

std.string.translate(text, inputs, [outputs])

  • Performs bytewise translation on the given string. For every
    byte in text that is also found in inputs, if there is a
    corresponding replacement byte in outputs with the same
    subscript, it is replaced with the latter; if no replacement
    exists, because outputs is shorter than inputs or is null,
    it is deleted. If outputs is longer than inputs, excess
    bytes are ignored. Bytes that do not exist in inputs are left
    intact. This function returns a new string without modifying

  • Returns the translated string.

std.string.utf8_encode(code_points, [permissive])

  • Encodes code points from code_points into an UTF-8 string.
    Code points shall be integers. When an invalid code point is
    encountered, if permissive is set to true, it is replaced
    with the replacement character "\uFFFD" and consequently
    encoded as "\xEF\xBF\xBD"; otherwise this function fails.

  • Returns the encoded string on success; otherwise null.

std.string.utf8_decode(text, [permissive])

  • Decodes text, which is expected to be a string containing
    UTF-8 code units, into an array of code points, represented
    as integers. When an invalid code sequence is encountered, if
    permissive is set to true, all code units of it are
    re-interpreted as isolated bytes according to ISO/IEC 8859-1;
    otherwise this function fails.

  • Returns an array containing decoded code points; otherwise


  • Packs a series of 8-bit integers into a string. ints shall
    be an array of integers, all of which are truncated to 8
    bits then copied into a string.

  • Returns the packed string.


  • Unpacks 8-bit integers from a string. The contents of text
    are re-interpreted as contiguous signed 8-bit integers, all of
    which are sign-extended to 64 bits then copied into an array.

  • Returns an array containing unpacked integers.


  • Packs a series of 16-bit integers into a string. ints shall
    be an array of integers, all of which are truncated to 16
    bits then copied into a string in the big-endian byte order.

  • Returns the packed string.


  • Unpacks 16-bit integers from a string. The contents of text
    are re-interpreted as contiguous signed 16-bit integers in the
    big-endian byte order, all of which are sign-extended to 64
    bits then copied into an array.

  • Returns an array containing unpacked integers.

  • Throws an exception if the length of text is not a multiple
    of 2.


  • Packs a series of 16-bit integers into a string. ints shall
    be an array of integers, all of which are truncated to 16
    bits then copied into a string in the little-endian byte

  • Returns the packed string.


  • Unpacks 16-bit integers from a string. The contents of text
    are re-interpreted as contiguous signed 16-bit integers in the
    little-endian byte order, all of which are sign-extended to 64
    bits then copied into an array.

  • Returns an array containing unpacked integers.

  • Throws an exception if the length of text is not a multiple
    of 2.


  • Packs a series of 32-bit integers into a string. ints shall
    be an array of integers, all of which are truncated to 32
    bits then copied into a string in the big-endian byte order.

  • Returns the packed string.


  • Unpacks 32-bit integers from a string. The contents of text
    are re-interpreted as contiguous signed 32-bit integers in the
    big-endian byte order, all of which are sign-extended to 64
    bits then copied into an array.

  • Returns an array containing unpacked integers.

  • Throws an exception if the length of text is not a multiple
    of 4.


  • Packs a series of 32-bit integers into a string. ints shall
    be an array of integers, all of which are truncated to 32
    bits then copied into a string in the little-endian byte

  • Returns the packed string.


  • Unpacks 32-bit integers from a string. The contents of text
    are re-interpreted as contiguous signed 32-bit integers in the
    little-endian byte order, all of which are sign-extended to 64
    bits then copied into an array.

  • Returns an array containing unpacked integers.

  • Throws an exception if the length of text is not a multiple
    of 4.


  • Packs a series of 64-bit integers into a string. ints shall
    be an array of integers, all of which are copied into a
    string in the big-endian byte order.

  • Returns the packed string.


  • Unpacks 64-bit integers from a string. The contents of text
    are re-interpreted as contiguous signed 64-bit integers in the
    big-endian byte order, all of which are copied into an array.

  • Returns an array containing unpacked integers.

  • Throws an exception if the length of text is not a multiple
    of 8.


  • Packs a series of 64-bit integers into a string. ints shall
    be an array of integers, all of which are copied into a
    string in the little-endian byte order.

  • Returns the packed string.


  • Unpacks 64-bit integers from a string. The contents of text
    are re-interpreted as contiguous signed 64-bit integers in the
    little-endian byte order, all of which are copied into an

  • Returns an array containing unpacked integers.

  • Throws an exception if the length of text is not a multiple
    of 8.

I am replacing this issue with a wish list.