
RegEx string functions

lhmouse opened this issue · 2 comments

RegEx string functions

|std.string.regex_find(text, pattern)

* Searches `text` for the first occurrence of the regular
  expression `pattern`.

* Returns an `array` of two `integer`s, the first of which
  specifies the subscript of the matching sequence and the second
  of which specifies its length. If `pattern` is not found, this
  function returns `null`.

* Throws an exception if `pattern` is not a valid regular

std.string.regex_find(text, from, pattern)

* Searches `text` for the first occurrence of the regular
  expression `pattern`. The search operation is performed on the
  same subrange that would be returned by `slice(text, from)`.

* Returns an `array` of two `integer`s, the first of which
  specifies the subscript of the matching sequence and the second
  of which specifies its length. If `pattern` is not found, this
  function returns `null`.

* Throws an exception if `pattern` is not a valid regular

std.string.regex_find(text, from, [length], pattern)

* Searches `text` for the first occurrence of the regular
  expression `pattern`. The search operation is performed on the
  same subrange that would be returned by
  `slice(text, from, length)`.

* Returns an `array` of two `integer`s, the first of which
  specifies the subscript of the matching sequence and the second
  of which specifies its length. If `pattern` is not found, this
  function returns `null`.

* Throws an exception if `pattern` is not a valid regular

std.string.regex_match(text, pattern)

* Checks whether the regular expression `patterm` matches the
  entire sequence `text`.

* Returns an `array` of `array`s of optional `string`s. The first
  element contains a copy of `text`. All the other elements hold
  substrings that match positional capturing groups. If a group
  matches nothing, the corresponding element is `null`. The total
  number of elements equals the number of capturing groups plus
  one. If `text` does not match `pattern`, `null` is returned.

* Throws an exception if `pattern` is not a valid regular

std.string.regex_match(text, from, pattern)

* Checks whether the regular expression `patterm` matches the
  subrange that would be returned by `slice(text, from)`.

* Returns an `array` of `array`s of optional `string`s. The first
  element contains a copy of `text`. All the other elements hold
  substrings that match positional capturing groups. If a group
  matches nothing, the corresponding element is `null`. The total
  number of elements equals the number of capturing groups plus
  one. If `text` does not match `pattern`, `null` is returned.

* Throws an exception if `pattern` is not a valid regular

std.string.regex_match(text, from, [length], pattern)

* Checks whether the regular expression `patterm` matches the
  subrange that would be returned by `slice(text, from, length)`.

* Returns an `array` of `array`s of optional `string`s. The first
  element contains a copy of `text`. All the other elements hold
  substrings that match positional capturing groups. If a group
  matches nothing, the corresponding element is `null`. The total
  number of elements equals the number of capturing groups plus
  one. If `text` does not match `pattern`, `null` is returned.

* Throws an exception if `pattern` is not a valid regular

std.string.regex_replace(text, pattern, replacement)

* Searches `text` and replaces all matches of the regular
  expression `pattern` with another regular expression
  `replacement`. This function returns a new `string` without
  modifying `text`.

* Returns the string with `pattern` replaced. If `text` does not
  contain `pattern`, it is returned intact.

* Throws an exception if either `pattern` or `replacement` is not
  a valid regular expression.

std.string.regex_replace(text, from, pattern, replacement)

* Searches `text` and replaces all matches of the regular
  expression `pattern` with another regular expression
  `replacement`. The search operation is performed on the same
  subrange that would be returned by `slice(text, from)`. This
  function returns a new `string` without modifying `text`.

* Returns the string with `pattern` replaced. If `text` does not
  contain `pattern`, it is returned intact.

* Throws an exception if either `pattern` or `replacement` is not
  a valid regular expression.

std.string.regex_replace(text, from, [length], pattern, replacement)

* Searches `text` and replaces all matches of the regular
  expression `pattern` with another regular expression
  `replacement`. The search operation is performed on the same
  subrange that would be returned by `slice(text, from, length)`.
  This function returns a new `string` without modifying `text`.

* Returns the string with `pattern` replaced. If `text` does not
  contain `pattern`, it is returned intact.

* Throws an exception if either `pattern` or `replacement` is not
  a valid regular expression.

Note the functions in e106afd are a bit different from these.