
Can this support boost::intrusive_ptr like usage?

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Get pointer from a intrusive_ptr to another intrusive_ptr like below, the reference count is not right

boost::intrusive_ptr<ProcessData> ptr(new ProcessData(1, "a"));
        // get from another intrusive_ptr
        boost::intrusive_ptr<ProcessData> ptrCopy(ptr.get());
    explicit constexpr intrusive_ptr(_T * __t) noexcept
            : __x_t(__t)
        if (__x_t->_Impl_intrusive_ptr::_Ref_count_base::__get_ref() > 1)

I __add_ref when old __x_t is not 1. Is this right?

Is your sample even valid if it was about std::shared_ptr?

Inner pointer can not shared between std::shared_ptr, but boost::intrusive_ptr can

std::shared_ptr<T> ptr(new T());
std::shared_ptr<T> ptr2(ptr.get()); // It is not correct

boost::intrusive_ptr<T> ptr(new T());
boost::intrusive_ptr<T> ptr2(ptr.get()); // It is ok

But I find your intrusive_ptr can not do the same as boost::intrusive_ptr.

If you need to share (instead of taking) ownership of an object you have to call add_ref() explicitly.

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If you need to share (instead of taking) ownership of an object you have to call add_ref() explicitly.

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Thank you for your advice.