
用mcf线程模型本地或加拿大编译出来的lld (LLVM的链接器)不能用-flto=thin

Closed this issue · 2 comments

thin lto不知道为何不能用。换posix的就行。你去修一下吧。

Did you read https://github.com/lhmouse/mcfgthread#notes ?

Or patch the CRT yourself:

+ __MCF_cxa_atexit((__MCF_cxa_dtor_cdecl*)(intptr_t) fflush, NULL, &__dso_handle);

mcfgthread requires the fflush() function be called after user-defined exit callbacks (so it has to be registered before __main()), otherwise data in standard output may be truncated upon exit.

As there was no further feedback I am closing this as WONTFIX.