
Missing information regarding how jniLibs are build or commited to repository

aamirmhussain opened this issue · 1 comments

Discussed in #145

Originally posted by aamirmohammedhussain March 31, 2023
Hi all

I was just going through the code base

But i couldn't find git action workflow or any information regarding how the jniLibs located at [main/app/src/main/jniLibs](https://github.com/lhns/restic-android/tree/main/app/src/main/jniLibs is build or commited to repository.

  1. libdata_libtalloc.so.2.so
  2. libdata_loader.so
  3. libdata_loader32.so
  4. libdata_proot.so
  5. libdata_restic.so

Is there anything i am missing?

Hope you could help me figure out

lhns commented

answered in discussion #145