Test rendering Mermaid.js
graph LR
A[Write Code] --> B{Does it work?}
B -- Yes --> C[Great!]
B -- No --> D[Google]
D --> A
actor Alice
actor Bob
Alice->>Bob: Hi Bob
Bob->>Alice: Hi Alice
"Dogs" : 386
"Cats" : 85.9
"Rats" : 15
title System Context diagram for Internet Banking System
Person(customerA, "Banking Customer A", "A customer of the bank, with personal bank accounts.")
Person(customerB, "Banking Customer B")
Person_Ext(customerC, "Banking Customer C")
System(SystemAA, "Internet Banking System", "Allows customers to view information about their bank accounts, and make payments.")
Person(customerD, "Banking Customer D", "A customer of the bank, <br/> with personal bank accounts.")
Enterprise_Boundary(b1, "BankBoundary") {
SystemDb_Ext(SystemE, "Mainframe Banking System", "Stores all of the core banking information about customers, accounts, transactions, etc.")
System_Boundary(b2, "BankBoundary2") {
System(SystemA, "Banking System A")
System(SystemB, "Banking System B", "A system of the bank, with personal bank accounts.")
System_Ext(SystemC, "E-mail system", "The internal Microsoft Exchange e-mail system.")
SystemDb(SystemD, "Banking System D Database", "A system of the bank, with personal bank accounts.")
Boundary(b3, "BankBoundary3", "boundary") {
SystemQueue(SystemF, "Banking System F Queue", "A system of the bank, with personal bank accounts.")
SystemQueue_Ext(SystemG, "Banking System G Queue", "A system of the bank, with personal bank accounts.")
BiRel(customerA, SystemAA, "Uses")
BiRel(SystemAA, SystemE, "Uses")
Rel(SystemAA, SystemC, "Sends e-mails", "SMTP")
Rel(SystemC, customerA, "Sends e-mails to")
title Deployment Diagram for Internet Banking System - Live
Deployment_Node(mob, "Customer's mobile device", "Apple IOS or Android"){
Container(mobile, "Mobile App", "Xamarin", "Provides a limited subset of the Internet Banking functionality to customers via their mobile device.")
Deployment_Node(comp, "Customer's computer", "Mircosoft Windows or Apple macOS"){
Deployment_Node(browser, "Web Browser", "Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox,<br/> Apple Safari or Microsoft Edge"){
Container(spa, "Single Page Application", "JavaScript and Angular", "Provides all of the Internet Banking functionality to customers via their web browser.")
Deployment_Node(plc, "Big Bank plc", "Big Bank plc data center"){
Deployment_Node(dn, "bigbank-api*** x8", "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS"){
Deployment_Node(apache, "Apache Tomcat", "Apache Tomcat 8.x"){
Container(api, "API Application", "Java and Spring MVC", "Provides Internet Banking functionality via a JSON/HTTPS API.")
Deployment_Node(bb2, "bigbank-web*** x4", "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS"){
Deployment_Node(apache2, "Apache Tomcat", "Apache Tomcat 8.x"){
Container(web, "Web Application", "Java and Spring MVC", "Delivers the static content and the Internet Banking single page application.")
Deployment_Node(bigbankdb01, "bigbank-db01", "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS"){
Deployment_Node(oracle, "Oracle - Primary", "Oracle 12c"){
ContainerDb(db, "Database", "Relational Database Schema", "Stores user registration information, hashed authentication credentials, access logs, etc.")
Deployment_Node(bigbankdb02, "bigbank-db02", "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS") {
Deployment_Node(oracle2, "Oracle - Secondary", "Oracle 12c") {
ContainerDb(db2, "Database", "Relational Database Schema", "Stores user registration information, hashed authentication credentials, access logs, etc.")
Rel(mobile, api, "Makes API calls to", "json/HTTPS")
Rel(spa, api, "Makes API calls to", "json/HTTPS")
Rel_U(web, spa, "Delivers to the customer's web browser")
Rel(api, db, "Reads from and writes to", "JDBC")
Rel(api, db2, "Reads from and writes to", "JDBC")
Rel_R(db, db2, "Replicates data to")
UpdateRelStyle(spa, api, $offsetY="-40")
UpdateRelStyle(web, spa, $offsetY="-40")
UpdateRelStyle(api, db, $offsetY="-20", $offsetX="5")
UpdateRelStyle(api, db2, $offsetX="-40", $offsetY="-20")
UpdateRelStyle(db, db2, $offsetY="-10")
title System Context diagram for Internet Banking System
Enterprise_Boundary(b0, "BankBoundary0") {
Person(customerA, "Banking Customer A", "A customer of the bank, with personal bank accounts.")
Person(customerB, "Banking Customer B")
Person_Ext(customerC, "Banking Customer C", "desc")
Person(customerD, "Banking Customer D", "A customer of the bank, <br/> with personal bank accounts.")
System(SystemAA, "Internet Banking System", "Allows customers to view information about their bank accounts, and make payments.")
Enterprise_Boundary(b1, "BankBoundary") {
SystemDb_Ext(SystemE, "Mainframe Banking System", "Stores all of the core banking information about customers, accounts, transactions, etc.")
System_Boundary(b2, "BankBoundary2") {
System(SystemA, "Banking System A")
System(SystemB, "Banking System B", "A system of the bank, with personal bank accounts. next line.")
System_Ext(SystemC, "E-mail system", "The internal Microsoft Exchange e-mail system.")
SystemDb(SystemD, "Banking System D Database", "A system of the bank, with personal bank accounts.")
Boundary(b3, "BankBoundary3", "boundary") {
SystemQueue(SystemF, "Banking System F Queue", "A system of the bank.")
SystemQueue_Ext(SystemG, "Banking System G Queue", "A system of the bank, with personal bank accounts.")
BiRel(customerA, SystemAA, "Uses")
BiRel(SystemAA, SystemE, "Uses")
Rel(SystemAA, SystemC, "Sends e-mails", "SMTP")
Rel(SystemC, customerA, "Sends e-mails to")
UpdateElementStyle(customerA, $fontColor="red", $bgColor="grey", $borderColor="red")
UpdateRelStyle(customerA, SystemAA, $textColor="blue", $lineColor="blue", $offsetX="5")
UpdateRelStyle(SystemAA, SystemE, $textColor="blue", $lineColor="blue", $offsetY="-10")
UpdateRelStyle(SystemAA, SystemC, $textColor="blue", $lineColor="blue", $offsetY="-40", $offsetX="-50")
UpdateRelStyle(SystemC, customerA, $textColor="red", $lineColor="red", $offsetX="-50", $offsetY="20")
UpdateLayoutConfig($c4ShapeInRow="3", $c4BoundaryInRow="1")
!include https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plantuml-stdlib/C4-PlantUML/master/C4_Context.puml
title System Context diagram for Threat Lab
Boundary(AWN, "Arctic Wolf"){
Boundary(AWL, "AWLabs"){
Person(SR_User, Threat Researcher, "Threat researcher in SIA")
Boundary(ThreatLab, "Threat Lab"){
System(DetectionEnvironment, "Detection Environment")
System(BASFramework, "BAS Framework")
System_Ext(TIP, "Threat Intelligence Platform")
System_Ext(vxIntel, "Malware Repository")
System_Ext(IPA, "Detections Pipeline")
System_Ext(AttackIQ, "AttackIQ")
Rel_R(vxIntel, DetectionEnvironment, "Malware samples", "sftp")
Rel_R(BASFramework, AttackIQ, "Scenarios to Execute", "REST API")
Rel_D(BASFramework, DetectionEnvironment, "Orchestrate Resources", "VMWare Cloud")
Rel_L(BASFramework, TIP, "IOC/TTPs", "STIX")
Rel_L(AttackIQ, DetectionEnvironment, "Attack Scenarios", "AttackIQ Agent")
Rel_U(TIP, SR_User, "Malware IOC/TTPs", "TIP GUI")
Rel_L(TIP, IPA, "IOC/TTP-based detections", "Crules")
Rel_D(SR_User, TIP, "Validates IOC/TTPs for detections", "TIP GUI")