
Existing conversation can't be Downloaded

dhinesh-venkat opened this issue · 6 comments

I installed the extension as per the instructions to take pdf of an existing conversation. The buttons are not visible in the conversation but they are present in a new chatGPT tab.

liady commented

@dhinesh-venkat this extension requires refreshing the page after installation (most Chrome extensions do, actually). Do you need downloading from an already open tab?

That's correct @liady It would be nice to download from already open tab.

I'm also having this issue. It happens all the time, not just the day I installed the extension. Some tabs will have the buttons at the bottom of the thread, but other tabs won't.

I had the same issue while developing, I Thought it was something related with me changing the code but looks like it's something common, the problem with this is that it's hard to reproduce. I can take a look.

liady commented

@aj-goldie ,@dhinesh-venkat thank you for the feedback, I will take a look asap.
@adrianmarinwork could it be related to the check whether there's a "Try Again" button? Maybe it's not robust enough, I'll check

liady commented

@aj-goldie @dhinesh-venkat version 1.3.4 now handles cases where there are no buttons at all after a conversation is done (seems like originally a bug on ChatGPT side, though)