
No Open View for Calendar in Command Palette

abfo opened this issue · 7 comments

abfo commented

After upgrading to Obsidian 1.5.3 I lost all plugin settings. After enabling the Calendar plugin I get no option in the command palette to open the calendar view. I checked for plugin updates and there are none available. Windows 11.

Did you try Uninstalling it from the Community Plugins window and then reinstalling it?

abfo commented

Yes, still no option to show it.

Same for me, same obsidian version.

T1Il commented

Same problem in Obsidian v1.5.11 and extension version 1.5.10.
The shortcut option does exist, but doesn't result in any action, console is empty.

I also have this issue on Obsidian v1.5.12.

Uninstall and reinstall did not fix the issue for me. Hotkey also does nothing.

Same for me