
State, sessions and cookies are not avaible in `returnURL`

Bartozzz opened this issue · 0 comments

I am trying to save persistent data in order to send it back to user once the authorization has succeeded. I am trying to achieve this using sessions (koa-session), cookies (implemented by default in Koa.js) and in Passport.js state. None of those works.

I am not sure though, if it is a problem with koa-passport or passport itself. It looks like one of those modules is blocking cookies/sessions at one point.

Client      ->      Server      ->      Provider      ->      Server      ->      Client
                       ^                                         ^
             (A) /api/auth/steam/               (B) /api/auth/steam/callback/

Cookies are set in (A) (and they are available there even in subsequent requests). However, those are undefined in (B).

Server configuration/middlewares:

import Koa from "koa";
import session from "koa-session";
import convert from "koa-convert";
import parser from "koa-bodyparser";
import passport from "koa-passport";

app = new Koa();
app.keys = [  ];



Note that the cookies and the session are not available here in the ctx even if passReqToCallback is set to true. ctx.state also doesn't contain ctx.query.connectionID (see routes below).

passport.use(new SteamStrategy({
    returnURL: "http://localhost:8000/api/auth/steam/callback",
    realm: "http://localhost:8000/",
    apiKey: "…",
    state: true,
    passReqToCallback: true
}, (ctx, identifier, profile, done) => {
    Users.findOrCreate({ … })
      .then(user => )
      .catch(err =>  );


router.get("/api/auth/steam", (ctx, next)  => {
    let n = ctx.session.views || 0;
    let m = parseInt(ctx.cookies.get("views")) || 0;

    ctx.session.views = ++n;
    ctx.cookies.set("views", ++m);

    // Works correctly, displays `n+1, m+1` and this number persist after each refresh
    console.log(ctx.session.views, ctx.cookies.get("views"));

    return passport.authenticate("steam", {
        session: false,
        state: ctx.query.connectionID
    })(ctx, next);

router.get("/api/auth/steam/callback", (ctx, next) => {
    // Displays `undefined undefined`
    console.log(ctx.session.views, ctx.cookies.get("views"));

    return passport.authenticate("steam", {
        session: false,
        state: true
    }, )( ctx, next );

When I am requesting /api/auth/steam (A) it outputs n+1 and m+1 correctly, so cookies and sessions are set. However, those are undefined in returnURL (B).

I am not sure if passport-steam is regenerating sessions/refreshing cookies or something in the returnURL (B), but it should not be the case as I've disabled sessions by myself ({ session: false }). Any thought why those cookies/sessions/states are not avaible in another route (returnURL)?