
Integrating XCStrings Tool into a Swift Package Target has wrong package git url

gewill opened this issue · 2 comments

Integrating XCStrings Tool into a Swift Package Target has wrong package git url:

        // 1. Add the xcstrings-tool Package dependency
        .package(url: "", from: "0.1.0")

The correct package git url should be:

        // 1. Add the xcstrings-tool Package dependency
        .package(url: "", from: "0.1.0")

Hi @gewill, thanks for raising this. It was fixed in #33 however I haven't released a new version yet so it isn't reflected in the docs unless you visit the version for main:

Please note that the best URL is actually if you want to avoid having to compile SwiftSyntax on every clean build 🙇

I'll try to release a new version this week that makes this clearer in the docs 👍

Thanks for the tips and this great package you developed👍