ratebytree not converging - what should I do?
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I ran ratebytree
on two trees and corresponding character data, using model BM. The LRT P is significant (actually 0), but I got the message: One or the other optimization may not have converged.
. What should I do? Is the test result still valid?
Interestingly, this only happened after I log-transformed the data. I did this following suggestions from past publications and since the ranges of values in the two trees are quite different. Maybe this is not a good idea?
Also, not sure if it's relevant, but when I used fitContinuous
on each of the trees separately, I didn't get any warning messages regarding optimization convergence.
Hi @soungalo. The test result will only be valid* if the null (common-rates) model converged. (*By valid, I mean that you can be sure that the true result, even if different, would also be significant. To see which model has converged & which hasn't, you can run the function str
on the fitted model object & look at the values of convergence
for each fitted model. If it shows ..$ convergence: int 0
that means this model (is thought by R to have) converged. The easiest thing you can do to try to get your models to converge is increase the optional argument maxit
. Its default value is maxit=500
, so try maxit=2000
and see what happens. If that doesn't work, I suggest emailing me.
Thanks for the quick reply. I tried with maxit=2000
and maxit=100000
, but still getting the same message. Here is the result of str(rbt)
List of 11
$ multi.rate.model :List of 13
..$ sig2 : num [1:2] 0.00343 0.000968
..$ SE.sig2 : num [1:2] 5.11e-04 8.78e-05
..$ a : num [1:2] 5.79 8.08
..$ SE.a : num [1:2] 0.626 0.289
..$ alpha : NULL
..$ SE.alpha : NULL
..$ r : NULL
..$ SE.r : NULL
..$ k : num 4
..$ logL : num -20.4
..$ counts : Named int [1:2] 21 21
.. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:2] "function" "gradient"
..$ convergence: int 52
$ common.rate.model:List of 13
..$ sig2 : num 0.00195
..$ SE.sig2 : num 0.000184
..$ a : num [1:2] 5.79 8.08
..$ SE.a : num [1:2] 0.472 0.41
..$ alpha : NULL
..$ SE.alpha : NULL
..$ r : NULL
..$ SE.r : NULL
..$ k : num 3
..$ logL : num -53.3
..$ counts : Named int [1:2] 27 27
.. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:2] "function" "gradient"
..$ convergence: int 0
$ model : chr "BM"
$ N : int 2
$ n : int [1:2] 92 245
$ likelihood.ratio : num 65.8
$ regimes : Factor w/ 2 levels "1","2": 1 2
$ m : int 2
$ P.chisq : num 4.95e-16
$ P.sim : NULL
$ type : chr "continuous"
- attr(*, "class")= chr "ratebytree"
I'm guessing that this is probably fine because the common-rate model converged. Since the fitted multi-rate model should have the same values of sigma as a simple Brownian model fit to each of the characters separately, and the total log-likelihood just the sum of the individual log-likelihoods of each of the two fitted models, you could try just fitting each of those two models separately (using, say, geiger::fitContinuous
) and then comparing the estimated parameters. If you can't figure out how to get all that to work, please email me your saved R workspace & a minimal code to reproduce this result and I'd be happy to help.
Thanks, got it.