
mcmMk should set likelihood to "fitMk" when data input is matrix

rdiaz02 opened this issue · 2 comments

Currently, if data input is matrix and geiger is installed, mcmcMk fails. This is the error

likelihood="fitDiscrete" doesn't work for data input as matrix.
Setting likelihood method to "fitMk".

Error in LIK(makeq(Q, index.matrix), root = "given", root.p = pi) : 
  could not find function "LIK"

It seems that the solution is to have, right after line 56

cat("Setting likelihood method to \"fitMk\".\n\n")
, a likelihood <- "fitMk" as is done in line 52
immediately above. That this will work is evidenced by the fact that, without geiger installed, things run just fine.

Right now, however, in line 121

LIK is assigned the value of fitDiscrete and that assignment is made because, not having set likelihood <- "fitMk", we still have likelihood == fitDiscrete.

P.S. I can make a pull request with this one-line change if deemed appropriate.

Fixed. Will push shortly.

(Oooops, forgot to say) Thanks!