
Add GHAS security vulnerability counts to Git Provider Receiver

Closed this issue · 1 comments


Add a metric for number of GHAS identified security vulnerabilities. This should be achievable through a GraphQL query and incorporated into the github scraper.

A quick vulnerability count per repository GraphQL query could mirror what is below but requires some TLC.

query getRepo($name: String!, $owner: String!){
  repository(name: $name, owner: $owner) {
    vulnerabilityAlerts(first: 100) {
      edges {
        node {

Things to note:

  • this would only be for the github scraper. This may be difficult as it may require a metadata.yaml within the scraper, but not be supported by the way we've written the code & might require some refactor
  • the metric should be disabled by default requiring the config feature flag
  • attributes should be attached which includes repo name, severity, and CVE number (maybe).


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This should be attached to a new milestone focused around engineering defaults & opinions. Will do that later