
You've removed Allegro 5's founders from the GitHub project

Opened this issue · 10 comments

Shame on you!

Could you provide a little more detail?

When were you removed and what were the reasons for your removal?

I (with consultation with Elias) removed everyone except myself and Elias from being an admin of the liballeg github organization. I personally apologize for any offense caused, but it was done with the safety of Allegro in mind. Note that github does not provide us a way to message the affected people or provide any sort of reason. We can talk through reverting any team changes with any of the affected individuals.

Here was the timeline:

  1. On October 11th, Trent revoked Elias's access to the Godaddy account controlling domain. I don't know the full story here, we'd have to ask Elias. For the past number of years, Elias has been paying for that domain, and it has been used for Allegro since 2015. We tried to contact Trent to better understand what was happening, but were unsuccessful.
  2. On October 13th, Trent removed Beoran, allebot (a role account that I control for assorted maintenance tasks) and kazzmir (restoring him a few minutes later) from the 'core' team, without consulting or discussion with myself, Elias or anyone else.
  3. The above actions were relatively innocuous in isolation, but the combination of being done unilaterally and the recent issue with caused me to be very concerned that Trent might do some serious damage to Allegro. The website domain loss is very unfortunate, but something that can be mitigated/reverted and does not affect day-to-day Allegro development (although it does affect users). Damage to the repository/issues would be far more catastrophic. When I noticed Trent's changes to the core teams a few minutes after they happened, I talked it over with Elias, and we decided for safety's sake to remove Trent from the organization until we could talk to him about what is happening.
  4. In addition to removing Trent, we decided that we should probably narrow the admin access to active developers so that we don't have a repeat of this issue, which meant removing a bunch of people from an admin role. Again, I apologies for any offense taken, if you'd like to get the admin access back please chat with me or Elias. The more active developers we have, the better.

Here's a screenshot of the audit log (I redacted Trent's location, for privacy):

Now the Allegro organisation has been tarnished forever due to your actions!

Allegro introduced a virus on my computer that infected my whole neighbourhood. Shame on you. Countless dead.

The Allegro community deserves better than this! I think it's time you issue an apology to the community...

Don't feed the trolls (or the troll king?) Nothing is or has been abandoned and old people leaving and new people joining (and some going crazy and forking etc.) is normal for an open source project. And what is this SDL you speak of?