
Allegro's New Team

Opened this issue · 3 comments

elias - copy & paste king
tomasu - I paid him $500 for an Android port that didn't work at all (I fixed it.) Hasn't done anything else.
siegelord - assumed the role of project manager after all the work was already done

Congrats! A truly reputable project!

Trent, did anything happen to you specifically that made you feel justified in doing damaging things to allegro?

What's going on man? @troutsneeze What did they do? Did you do anything? This is a strange post for an outsider.

Your contributions, Trent, have been invaluable and remain at the core of Allegro 5, and without you Allegro 5 would not be where it is today. However, in addition to all those contributions, a few days ago you redirected the domain that has been used by thousands of users to find Allegro. This has caused user confusion, and is going to waste the limited time of the active developers to fix the domain everywhere. Elias has been paying for that domain for some time now and had access to the managing account on GoDaddy which you revoked via GoDaddy's customer service. There's no financial or maintenance motive that can justify this action. Whatever the true motive was, it was not communicated to any of us before this action was taken.

Allegro is a project contributed to by many people, with massive contributions by you, but also Peter and Elias but also the lesser contributions by many others. Taking unilateral actions, especially those that damage the library, is not acceptable, and disrespects the hundreds of hours the others have spent making the library better.

You are an incredibly prolific and skilled coder and the rest of us certainly could be hacks and without skill in comparison, but we contributed to Allegro to the best of our abilities and time budgets. But, crucially, at no point, have we done direct harm to the library like you have done a few days ago. Please reconsider this action, and chat with us in private (or publicly, if you'd like) to see what resolution we can come up with to ensure Allegro remains a fine library for game development.