
wiki: code block Example 3

Closed this issue · 10 comments

@RandyMcMillan Is this a question?

$ bx ec-to-wif 8ed1d17dabce1fccbbe5e9bf008b318334e5bcc78eb9e7c1ea850b7eb0ddb9c8

$ bx ec-to-wif 8ed1d17dabce1fccbbe5e9bf008b318334e5bcc78eb9e7c1ea850b7eb0ddb9c8 | bx wif-to-public

Github corrects the issue when it is displayed on - but to be more consistent - an empty line before a code block will display correctly in the majority of markdown editors...

(it is one of the quirks of markdown)

if you download the wiki and view the markdown on your local machine - the issue may be more obvious.

Screen Shot 2020-03-08 at 6 10 20 AM

I think there are more of these throughout the wikis.

Q. Is there a better way to submit PRs for the wiki?

I don’t see a problem in any context. What’s the issue?

If the user downloads the wiki and views it in a markdown client - it will likely NOT display correctly.

@RandyMcMillan Ah, ok. I'm not at all familiar with offline markdown clients. If I can find one that works with the site, I'll give a go. Any recommendations for GNU/Linux by chance?

Maybe just vim with a markdown plugin.

PS - I know this is probably nit-pick stuff...but I think that local viewing of the wiki should be considered. That is how I found the issue in the first place.

I would be happy to do some of the work - but as we can see - there isn't a public repo for the wiki itself - unless it is hosted else where?



What exactly is meant by “not display correctly”... image?

Maybe just vim with a markdown plugin.

Very cool, but unfortunately not a supported use-case (at least. known to me)

PS - I know this is probably nit-pick stuff...but I think that local viewing of the wiki should be considered. That is how I found the issue in the first place.

Not a problem, understood.

I would be happy to do some of the work - but as we can see - there isn't a public repo for the wiki itself - unless it is hosted else where?

The wiki itself is public, but I think github team permissions need to be granted for editing it (not sure). That said, it's not clear this is a direction worth spending time on. The screenshot looks like a readable text rendering of the content. I would think there's a compromise of the online rendering for the offline rendering, and if that's the case, it's likely not worth the trade-off. If that's definitely not the case (I'm no markdown expert ;-), it would be good to know.

The original issue created was extremely ambiguous and I didn't realize it was a rendering issue until very recently.

I do not see any rendering issue or markdown issue, so I’m just confused.

If I understand it correctly, it has something to do with being able to see the markdown quote tags, rather than how github renders that as a newline afterward. So sequential uses show no newlines in text (kind of like how it's edited/written), rather than a block/newline/block. Not sure myself though.

It looks like opening the raw file in emacs/vim to me, so it's more or less expected, but I don't know 'markdown modes'.