
"connection timed out" for all client commands

Closed this issue · 6 comments

xloem commented

I'm new to bx and haven't been able to get it to work.

OS: Ubuntu 20.04
bx: 3.6.0
libzmq: v4.3.2

I can form a TCP connection to servers using netcat but none of the bx commands like fetch-height are working. Is there a chat channel somewhere for this project?

Freenode IRC: #libbitcoin

Retry and then close this issue please

xloem commented

Thanks. Guess the server had an issue? I'm curious if there is a way to detect the issue on my end.

Thanks. Guess the server had an issue? I'm curious if there is a way to detect the issue on my end.

I think you just did ;-)

Thanks. Guess the server had an issue? I'm curious if there is a way to detect the issue on my end.

Really, the best way is to run your own server locally and test against it. Community/public servers are a convenience, but not required.

xloem commented

Okay, since I could netcat to the server ports fine it wasn't clear that it wasn't a misconfiguration or library linking issue. Thanks.