
Building bx tool Windows under VS2019 community fails

Closed this issue · 4 comments

All the other libs build fine, including explorer. When I go to build bx, I get this:

LNK1104 cannot open file 'libboost_filesystem-vc142-mt-s-x32-1_72.lib'

All the dependencies were resolved using VS Nuget package manager. Tried "static debug" and "static release" configurations.

Forked from master branch.

vc142 is VS2019, which is not yet supported. If you open the solution in VS2019 you must not allow it to upgrade the solution.

Ok cool, thanks! Is this a priority to fix? Do you want me to make a PR for it? I'm guessing this just involves swapping some boost libs.

It’s a lot more than that, it’s coming eventually.

Closing as not yet supported.