
Single executable file

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hi, i can`t download the Single Executable File for Linux, can you please send it to me? Thank you so much.

I've just finished building v3.8.0:

$ ./bx base16-encode < bx | ./bx sha256

You should either wait for the maintainers, build it yourself, or use mine but don't trust me / use it for anything important.

Hi. Thank you so much, but do you have the bx-linux-x64-qrcode Version 3.2.0 ( I need this one too, thank you

Are you trying to test milsad?
Anyway I don't have version 3.2.0. And bx-linux-x64-qrcode is bx, they just renamed it to that, not sure why.

No, I need it because my friend made to me a program and I can’t use it because the link was removed

You will need to build the appropriate version yourself. The binary has been removed and there is no plan to rebuild or restore the version you are seeking.