
Sweep: make sure d'Aboville report and Henry report have livewire blade views

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  • Modify app/Http/Livewire/DabovilleReport.php ! No changes made Edit
  • Running GitHub Actions for app/Http/Livewire/DabovilleReport.phpEdit
  • Modify app/Http/Livewire/HenryReport.php ! No changes made Edit
  • Running GitHub Actions for app/Http/Livewire/HenryReport.phpEdit


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File Path Proposed Changes
app/Http/Livewire/DabovilleReport.php Modify app/Http/Livewire/DabovilleReport.php with contents:
• Ensure the DabovilleReport Livewire component properly renders the "daboville-report.blade.php" view. If not explicitly defined, add a render function that returns \View::make('livewire.daboville-report') to ensure the component uses the correct view.
• Verify that the component handles the "generateReport" method correctly, fetching and processing data as needed for the d'Aboville report. This may involve querying the database for the selected person and generating the report data.
• Ensure any data needed by the view is passed correctly from the component using the Livewire's data binding features.
app/Http/Livewire/HenryReport.php Modify app/Http/Livewire/HenryReport.php with contents:
• Ensure the HenryReport Livewire component properly renders the "henry-report.blade.php" view. If not explicitly defined, add a render function that returns \View::make('livewire.henry-report') to ensure the component uses the correct view.
• Verify that the component handles the "generateReport" method correctly, fetching and processing data as needed for the Henry report. This may involve querying the database for the selected person and generating the report data.
• Ensure any data needed by the view is passed correctly from the component using Livewire's data binding features.

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