
Top-1 accuracy on ImageNet drops between runs -- only difference is FFCV

nelaturuharsha opened this issue · 2 comments


Training a ResNet50 on ImageNet for a project and noticed the following issues:

  • Top-1 Accuracy drops significantly and the PyTorch DataLoader version is almost always better on the test set.
  • There is a less drastic difference in terms of training-time metrics but there is around 2% drop in accuracy per epoch in comparison.
  • There is little to no speedup due to FFCV on RTXA6000 GPU.

For some context

  • Dataset was generated using the ffcv-imagenet repository and the standard parameters of 500, 0.50, 90. I have provided the dataloader object I have created below to note if there is any issue.
  • Every other component is exactly the same for the two runs
  • In the first epoch of FFCV the time is 38 minutes per epoch, and this does no improve at all. With a PyTorch DataLoader timing is 41 minutes per epoch, barely noticeable.
  • The training was taking place in FP32.
class FFCVImageNet:
    def __init__(self, args):
        super(FFCVImageNet, self).__init__()

        data_root = '../imagenet-data/'

        IMAGENET_MEAN = np.array([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]) * 255
        IMAGENET_STD = np.array([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) * 255
        DEFAULT_CROP_RATIO = 224/256
        train_image_pipeline = [RandomResizedCropRGBImageDecoder((224, 224)),
                            ToDevice(torch.device('cuda:0'), non_blocking=True),
                            NormalizeImage(IMAGENET_MEAN, IMAGENET_STD, np.float32)]

        val_image_pipeline = [CenterCropRGBImageDecoder((256, 256), ratio=DEFAULT_CROP_RATIO),
                              ToDevice(torch.device('cuda:0'), non_blocking=True),
                              NormalizeImage(IMAGENET_MEAN, IMAGENET_STD, np.float32)]

        label_pipeline = [IntDecoder(),
                            ToDevice(torch.device('cuda:0'), non_blocking=True)]

        self.train_loader = Loader(data_root + 'train_500_0.50_90.ffcv',
                              batch_size  = args.batch_size,
                              num_workers = args.workers,
                              order       = OrderOption.QUASI_RANDOM,
                              os_cache    = True,
                              drop_last   = True,
                              pipelines   = { 'image' : train_image_pipeline,
                                              'label' : label_pipeline},

        self.val_loader = Loader(data_root + 'val_500_0.50_90.ffcv',
                            batch_size  = args.batch_size,
                            num_workers = args.workers,
                            order       = OrderOption.SEQUENTIAL,
                            drop_last   = False,
                            pipelines   = { 'image' : val_image_pipeline,
                                            'label' : label_pipeline},


As you can see above, the performance is far worse when FFCV is used.

Would appreciate any insight into why this is happening and what could be done to improve.


Hi @SreeHarshaNelaturu ! What training code are you using?

Hi @andrewilyas thanks for the prompt response. This a custom harness we wrote on our own for training + pruning networks. Could you let me know any specific aspects I could send across?

Btw, I found one interesting result that seems to have fixed the problem almost -- that is adding "shuffled_indices=True" while regenerating the beton.

The loss/accuracy curves now look like this
Screenshot 2023-10-08 at 6 35 13 PM

Blue - FFCV (w/o shuffle_indices = True while creating the beton)
Orange - PyTorch DataLoader
maroon - FFCV (w/ shuffle indices = True while creating the beton)

Hope this could help people out, I think this is related to usage of OrderOption.QUASI_RANDOM as indicated in issue #304 .

Regarding speed-up

I also tested this on the CelebA dataset, and could provide code to reproduce -- there was little or no speedup achieved due to use of FFCV and there are very little throughput gains using FFCV (38 mins v/s 41 mins) on ImageNet [Device: NVIDIA A6000]

Is this speedup only to be expected on mixed-precision training?

(Please let me know if its better to open a different issue for the speedup related component)
