
Wrong version reported in FFCV 1.0.2

jnboehm opened this issue · 0 comments


I was trying to update FFCV and was confused since pip reported to have ffcv 1.0.2 installed whereas the version reported by ffcv.__version__ was still 0.0.3rc1. Turns out that this is what has been distributed/uploaded to PyPI.

From the release tar ball that I downloaded from

cat ffcv-1.0.2/ffcv/
from .loader import Loader
from .writer import DatasetWriter
__version__ = '0.0.3rc1'

__all__ = ['Loader']

Are you planning on releasing a new version soon anyways? Otherwise it might be nice to simply bump up the version to 1.0.3 in order to fix the version string (though I am not sure if other people will be equally easy to confuse as I was).