
inconsistent fuse write chunk size for different versions of windows

rahulrane50 opened this issue · 2 comments

I am using python fuse to intercept my application writes. My application is writing in 4K chunks on file present at fuse mount point and for windows 2008 and 2012 server edition fuse write is comming in 4K chunks but for windows 2003 fuse is receiving 512 and 3546 fuse write requests for each of 4K application write. Why the fuse is behaving differently for windows 2k3?
win2k3 drive details :
bytes per sector : 512
bytes per cluster : 4096
sectors per cluster : 8
bytes per volume : 32201936896
sectors per volume : 7861801
clusters per volume : 982725
initialized mft records : 19504
mft records in use : 19469
mft records percentage : 99
bytes of free space : 27737296896
sectors of free space : 54174408
clusters of free space : 6771801
percentage free space : 86
bytes of user data : 4340850688
sectors of user data : 8478224
clusters of user data : 1059778
percentage user data : 13
bytes of metadata : 123789312
sectors of metadata : 241776
clusters of metadata : 30222
percentage metadata : 0

Please help me in understanding this behavior.

There is no FUSE for Windows. Thus I presume you are running FUSE on Linux, and accessing the mountpoint via Samba. In this case the application that generates the write requests is samba, not your application. This is what causes the different chunk size.

glensc commented

there is some fuse on windows