- 6
- 6
Calling engine.removeEntity() on item in ImmutableArray from Engine.getEntitiesFor mutates array
#224 opened by Barryrowe - 4
- 27
- 28
Persisting/serializing entities
#220 opened by dasfuu - 8
Mechanism to elegantly cleanup components
#179 opened by dsaltares - 3
Question: How to serialize entities with components?
#228 opened by sonirico - 3
Add a mechanism to temporarily disable components
#229 opened by xSke - 1
- 5
Entity is already registered with Engine
#226 opened by ForsakenHarmony - 7
Retrieving PooledEngine from EntitySystem
#225 opened by sonirico - 17
Entity is already registered
#221 opened by carlislefox - 2
Creating Entity Issue.
#223 opened by etrobot - 7
- 1
- 3
- 5
#iterator() cannot be used nested.
#209 opened by fechy - 1
Engine left unusable, in the updating state, after an uncaught exception in a subsystem
#210 opened by Snack-a-Dog - 2
More control over ComponentType
#198 opened by dveyarangi - 2
- 3
Moving entities between engines
#180 opened by lukz - 2
Null components on entity
#202 opened by robcowell - 24
A C++ port of Ashley
#177 opened by Lusito - 8
ECS and SortedIteratingSystem
#207 opened by Nauktis - 1
Before-after update methods in IteratingSystem
#208 opened by rpazyaquian - 4
- 2
SortedIteratingSystem behaving weird
#201 opened by Nauktis - 1
Bug when adding component in EntityListener
#203 opened by Nauktis - 1
Family#Builder methods
#200 opened by dveyarangi - 1
Engine queues entity add / remove operations during update but they are not processed in order.
#197 opened by BryceCicada - 8
- 6
- 2
- 3
Updating family membership allocates memory
#189 opened by dsaltares - 4
EntityListener and Box2D bodies
#188 opened by lukz - 19
Adding component is async sometimes
#186 opened by zepplondon - 12
Improve support for networked games
#171 opened by antag99 - 3
Reconsider Ashley's UUIDs
#182 opened by dsaltares - 1
- 6
Make it easier to extend ashleys classes
#183 opened by GameplayJDK - 3
Wiki - Components example
#176 opened by JamesSkemp - 0
Arbitrary order for EntityListener
#154 opened by Nauktis - 2
- 2
Small enhancement for family calss
#174 opened by ArtCraft - 12
Component should be an interface, not a class
#170 opened by badlogic - 8
How to use Ashley the most efficient way?
#165 opened by wyozi - 3
- 6
Multiply instances of the same component type
#166 opened by ArtCraft - 1
IteratingSystem does not handle entities added to the engine after the system
#155 opened by qlambert-pro - 1
Add GWT build to Jenkins job
#157 opened by dsaltares