libgdx/gdx-ai default timepiece

FainTMako opened this issue · 2 comments

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Issue details uses the default timepiece which limits its usage.

Reproduction steps/code

Run 2 agents in a wandering simulation separately and concurrently. Assume they need their own timepiece due to different simulation parameters

Both agents use the same timepiece which may be an unwanted behavior.

Version of gdx-ai and/or relevant dependencies


Solution: Allow users to pass in a timepiece reference during construction or set it later on.

Just curious, what's your use case?

I'm running a few different agents in a game. Each agent has their own timepiece because each agent runs on their own update loop and they do not depend on one another. The use case could be that there is a world that runs on a timepiece and then two agents that run on their own faster or slower timepieces. I'd imagine being able to have multiple timepieces would be essential in simulations.