
Using an old version of the Google Play Developer API. From December 1 2019

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Everything is working perfectly so far. But I got a message from Google Play Developer Support as follow:
"We've detected that your app is using an old version of the Google Play Developer API. From December 1 2019, versions 1 and 2 of this API will no longer be available. Update to version 3 before this date. Note that this is not related to the AIDL/Billing Library deprecation."
So, should I do something with this?

Version of gdx-pay and/or relevant dependencies



//Please provide the stacktrace if applicable 

Please select the affected platforms and payment service implementation

  • Amazon
  • googlebilling
  • [x ] googlepay
  • apple iosmoe
  • apple robovm

Do you use server side verification?

To: MrStahlfelge
I guess no.

I use as a base code this sample Berobasket/gdx-pay-issue:

Additional info: type of purchase Non-Consumable
gdxVersion = '1.9.6'
gdx-pay = '0.11.2'

Then I think you have nothing to do, but you should switch to googlebilling before 2021.

Thanks MrStahlfelge for your answer.

I would kindly appreciate if you make clear some issues as follow:

  1. They refer to 1st of December 2019 (not 2021), should I ignore that message?
  2. If 2021 is a red line then will I have to recreate part of my code (switch to googlebilling )?
  1. They refer to the Google Play Developer API. I don't know what you use it for, so I don't know if you can ignore the message.

  2. Yes, it is April 2021 IIRC.

  1. I use libgdx + gdx-pay. Nothing more.
    I also got a letter with some hints, fragment is:

Please consider checking the following API services for older version:

Please make sure to check both GET and POST requests for service calls.

You see, it has nothing to do with gdx-pay.