
Can't get in-app purchase from the Store in release version

sebaber opened this issue · 2 comments

I can not get the in-app purchase items from the Store in release version. I try in testflight and there i can get it.

Have an idea what is the problem that i having?

Version of gdx-pay and/or relevant dependencies

compile "com.badlogicgames.gdxpay:gdx-pay-iosrobovm-apple:1.0.0"

Code of my class that use PurchaseManageriOSApple

public class AppStoreGateway extends BaseBrokerGateway {

    private static final String TAG = "Billing";
    private final PurchaseManager purchaseManager;
    private Map<String, Integer> skus;
    private static AppStoreGateway instance;

    public static AppStoreGateway getInstance(PurchaseManager purchaseManager){
        if(instance == null)
            instance = new AppStoreGateway(purchaseManager);
        return instance;

    private AppStoreGateway(PurchaseManager purchaseManager){
        this.purchaseManager = purchaseManager;
        this.skus = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        skus.put("a", 1);
        skus.put("b", 2);
        skus.put("c", 3);
        skus.put("d", 4);


    private void initPurchaseManager() {
        PurchaseManagerConfig pmc = new PurchaseManagerConfig();
        for (String id: skus.keySet()) {
            pmc.addOffer(new Offer().setType(OfferType.CONSUMABLE).setIdentifier(id));
        purchaseManager.install(new MyPurchaseObserver(), pmc, true);

    public void configure() {
        List<MyInformation> details = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String id: skus.keySet()) {
            details.add(new MyInformation(purchaseManager.getInformation(id), id));

    private Double getPrinceInDouble(String priceString){
        String numberString = priceString.replace(",",".");
        return Double.parseDouble(numberString);

    private void createOffers(List<MyInformation> details){
        MyOffer offer;
        for(MyInformation detail : details){
            offer  = new MyOffer();


// This class create the AppStoreGateway

public class IOSPurchaseBilling extends ControllerBillingBase {
    private AppStoreGateway appStoreGateway;
    public PurchaseManager purchaseManager;

    public IOSPurchaseBilling() {
        this.purchaseManager = new PurchaseManageriOSApple();

    public void start() {
        appStoreGateway = AppStoreGateway.getInstance(purchaseManager);

    public IBrokerGateway get() {

        if(appStoreGateway != null)
            return appStoreGateway;

        return null;


Something that i miss?
I put examples for the in-app purchase identifier

  • [ X] apple robovm

This is the status of the in-app purchase in the play store.

Screen Shot 2020-04-15 at 13 37 24

nevermind, there was a bug in my code:

private void createOffers(List<MyInformation> details){ this.offers.clear(); MyOffer offer; for(MyInformation detail : details){ offer = new MyOffer(); offer.setCode(detail.productId); offer.setPrice(getPrinceInDouble("\\s+")[1])); offer.setCurrency(; offer.setDescription(; offer.setCount(this.skus.get(detail.productId)); offers.add(offer); } }

When i set the price, if the region change, it crash. Don´t happen in my enviroment because its always the same currency in price, but when tester of iOS App Store try it crash.

Sorry for that!