
gdx-pay iOS crashes on iOS < 11.2

keesvandieren opened this issue · 1 comments

Please ensure you have given all the following requested information in your report.

Firebase reported crash with following message:

Unrecognized selector: introductoryPrice
The API used here is only available in iOS 11.2 and later. To avoid this crash on devices with older OS versions you must check the current version before calling it. See the second resource below for examples of how to do this.

Issue details, reproduction steps/code

Please provide the details of your issue

Version of gdx-pay and/or relevant dependencies



5  IosLanguagesLauncher           0x6e0adf [J]org.robovm.objc.$M.object_objc_msgSend(Lorg/robovm/apple/foundation/NSObject;Lorg/robovm/objc/Selector;)Lorg/robovm/apple/foundation/NSObject;
6  IosLanguagesLauncher           0x6e28c9 [J]org.robovm.objc.$M.object_objc_msgSend_instance(Lorg/robovm/apple/foundation/NSObject;Lorg/robovm/objc/Selector;)Lorg/robovm/apple/foundation/NSObject; + 350 ($
7  IosLanguagesLauncher           0x6e002f [j]org.robovm.objc.$M.object_objc_msgSend_instance(Lorg/robovm/apple/foundation/NSObject;Lorg/robovm/objc/Selector;)Lorg/robovm/apple/foundation/NSObject;[clinit]
8  IosLanguagesLauncher           0x641fd7 [J];
9  IosLanguagesLauncher           0x3a91a5 [J];)Lcom/badlogic/gdx/pay/FreeTrialPeriod; + 546 (
10 IosLanguagesLauncher           0x3a915f [J];)Lcom/badlogic/gdx/pay/Information; + 537 (

Please select the affected platforms and payment service implementation

  • Amazon
  • googlebilling
  • googlepay
  • apple iosmoe
  • apple robovm

Fixed with latest version 1.3.1