iOS app rejected by the App Store
auraxangelic opened this issue · 7 comments
Sorry for making this post. I just can't figure out how to reproduce the issues that the App Store Reviewers are saying exists.
I have successfully uploaded my iOS app via Transporter, and tested in-app purchases successfully with Testflight. I've create a Sandbox user and tested in-app purchases successfully using a development build.
However when I try to submit the app to the App Store, they cite bugs with the in-app purchases and sent me the following screenshots:
The Error
popup appears whenever handlePurchaseError
is called on my PurchaseObserver
. That's the only clue I got. I can't even figure out how to get the Error
popup to appear during normal use. I can't figure out how to do a Payment Not Completed
either during normal use.
How are the Apple App Store Reviewers testing this app differently from the way I'm testing it that they are getting this error? How can I reproduce their issue with in-app purchases?
Version of gdx-pay and/or relevant dependencies
gdx-pay Version 1.3.1
Please select the affected platforms and payment service implementation
- Amazon
- googlebilling
- googlepay
- apple robovm
- Huawei
Is "Error" a string you show or is it the actual error message?
Good question. It's a string that I show, not the actual message.
Then you know how to proceed.
I guess I do. Thanks for the hint. ;)
In the future, is there a better place to post questions like this?
Is there no way to test the App Store Review scenarios myself? I have to submit the app for review to do the error check?
For me it looks like they cancelled the purchase and want a proper error message in your game, but I could be wrong. You should always give out proper error messages in any case. If you had done so, you might have an idea what is wrong and what they have done now. No one can know with the information given, so you can either ask them, or try with a better error handling, or both.
You were correct in that App Store Review wanted a proper error message. My app has now passed review now that I've displayed the message
in the Throwable
instead of just "Error".
Thank you.