
Google play billing upgrade ?

AlexandreHerbreteau opened this issue · 21 comments

Hi !

I can see that the current embedded version of google play billing is the version 3, according to graddle:
compile ''

Do you plan to migrate to newest versions ?

Thanks !

If you need a newer version in your project, just include it in your Gradle files.

If you need the newer versions, please check and make a PR for the necessary changes.

Ok, thanks !

Starting on August 2, 2022, all new apps must use Billing Library version 4 or newer. By November 1, 2022, all updates to existing apps must use Billing Library version 4 or newer. Learn more.

@leni8ec / @AlexandreHerbreteau feel free to submit a PR with the upgrade

@leni8ec / @AlexandreHerbreteau feel free to submit a PR with the upgrade

Thanks for your sarcasm.

I just indicated the information for users of this package, since such a notification in the console can easily be overlooked.

I doubt that it was sarcasm.

There is no sarcastic intent in my message. I only try to make it clear that if someone makes the necessary changes, I am willing to invest some of my free time to review, test, merge and release the changes.

I doubt that it was sarcasm.

Google has just given the deadlines for the Billing Library version 3.
Could you help this upgrade?
There is 2 months time left from now.

So if no one is able to make this necessary changes: That means that gdx-pay is practically dead now?

A hint for potential new users that the project is abandoned would be sensible.

It is not abandoned as long as people maintain and use it. We made it clear that we will review PRs and release new versions. However, it seems both maintainers do not use Google Play Billing themselves at the moment. Implementing something into the blue does not make much sense, it should be done by someone actually using the feature.

It is not abandoned as long as people maintain and use it. We made it clear that we will review PRs and release new versions. However, it seems both maintainers do not use Google Play Billing themselves at the moment. Implementing something into the blue does not make much sense, it should be done by someone actually using the feature.

I understand that, and appreciate the work the maintainers put into gdx-pay. But I assume most people use libgdx and gdx-pay for Apple/Android apps?

Starting with November people will not be able to update their apps for Google Play if they use gdx-pay so any sensible developer that releases android apps and use gdx-pay will start looking for alternatives now instead of waiting if gdx-pay get updated.

I think only fraction of the users of gdx-pay would be able or know how to make PRs or make the necessary changes (at least I have not the slightest clue). "Someone" should make a PR will probably result in "no one" will do it.

Don't understand me wrong, that is not meant as critic at the work of the people who maintain gdx-pay. I am always astonished and thankful that people invest so much work into such free projects and I fully understand when they can not invest time anymore (I surely have no time but I try to support the free projects I use with some money and sometimes I am able to even give some hints about possible fixes of errors) but it doesn't change the fact that gdx-pay would be useless for some (probably many?) users without a google-play-billing-library update.

obigu commented

I'm not a gdx-pay user, I integrate billing libraries directly but upgrading from v3 to v4 (no need to add new features, just make it compile) is very straightfoward. Anybody that is able to develop a libGDX game is perfectly able to make the necessary changes on their own and, if they value this open-source project, to submit a PR and contribute. For anybody who has never contributed and needs this I'd encourage them to do it, it's a perfect chance to both solve their problem and learn a new skill.

Hello all,

Normally I never post but I see more people are in trouble with the push to billing v4 by Google. I took the current file and updated it to work with the new billing v5 library. I'm not an expert on GitHub so I just attached the new .java file as an attachment to this post.

I tested it on our app and reoccurring purchases and one time purchases work, as well as restoring purchases. I did not test it thoroughly so be careful! I did not test subscriptions at all because our game does not use this.


Hello all,

Normally I never post but I see more people are in trouble with the push to billing v4 by Google. I took the current file and updated it to work with the new billing v5 library. I'm not an expert on GitHub so I just attached the new .java file as an attachment to this post.

I tested it on our app and reoccurring purchases and one time purchases work, as well as restoring purchases. I did not test it thoroughly so be careful! I did not test subscriptions at all because our game does not use this.


Thank you but sorry why don't you make a pull request as these guys suggested?

the pull request is ready, maybe it's time to merge it

First it is time to review which I will do soon - anyone else can also review the changes, test it and make comments.

Hello all,

Normally I never post but I see more people are in trouble with the push to billing v4 by Google. I took the current file and updated it to work with the new billing v5 library. I'm not an expert on GitHub so I just attached the new .java file as an attachment to this post.

I tested it on our app and reoccurring purchases and one time purchases work, as well as restoring purchases. I did not test it thoroughly so be careful! I did not test subscriptions at all because our game does not use this.


Thanks for posting this. It really helped.

Resolved with #249