
ImageButton doesn't show an image at center when background props: up, down are set.

supermaximus80 opened this issue · 6 comments

Issue details

ImageButton doesn't show an image when background props: up, down are set. The only possible way to show an image at center of an ImageButton is do not set background properties.

Reproduction steps/code

Create the style in uiskin.json

com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.ImageButton$ImageButtonStyle: {
	default: { down: button3Up, up: button3Up, checked: button3Up, imageUp: beigeRefresh, imageDown: beigeRefresh, imageChecked: beigeRefresh, imageOver: beigeRefresh },
	button1: { up: button3Up, imageUp: beigeRefresh }

Then create a button:

ImageButton btnRefresh = new ImageButton(skin, "default");

In the end you'll see a button without an image at center, which specified in the default style.

Version of libGDX and/or relevant dependencies



//Please provide the stacktrace if applicable 

Please select the affected platforms

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I use ImageButton all the time in the way you describe. Can you provide a skin and simple project that demonstrates the issue?

@raeleus I can't because it's a commerсial project. But this issue is easy to recreate in empty libgdx project. If you want, I will recreate it.

Yes, please do.

I found the problem. This issue happens when the size of an ImageButton is too small. See attached example.

It is caused by hight differencies in button background (down) and button foreground (imageDown) size.

I can't find where it is, but it is probably in Group#draw(...) or Table#draw(...). Margin is the same for a big and for a small button, for the small one center image is <0