
GlobalSetter's that bind textures can have their textures overwritten by LocalSetter's

tylerhasman opened this issue · 0 comments

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Issue details

If a GlobalSetter registers a texture to be bound by the textureBinder, it's texture slot can be overwritten by a LocalSetter.
Since it seems like GlobalSetter's only run a single time, their texture slot can be overwritten by a LocalSetter.

Example image where the global shadow maps have been overwritten by another texture on some terrain chunks:

Reproduction steps/code

Create a custom shader where many different textures are bound. Have one of the setter's be a GlobalSetter and the rest LocalSetter.
The GlobalSetter's texture slot may be overwritten by one of the LocalSetter's at some point.

Version of libGDX and/or relevant dependencies


Please select the affected platforms

Found on Windows but I assume this is a problem on all platforms.