
[GBS] No sound when playing "Top Gear 2 Pocket"

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Original report by brianpow (Bitbucket: brianpow, GitHub: brianpow).

No sound when playing "Top Gear 2 Pocket" with gme_player

The gme_player window shows as normal but no sound and only a flat wavefront bar shown

Other GBS player such as NEZPlug and MiniGBS work fine

Original comment by Leandro Nini (Bitbucket: [Leandro Nini]( Nini), ).

Did a debug trace on MiniGBS:

0242: f0 40    | SP:dff7 AF:00a0 BC:0000 DE:0000 HL:0100 | ldh a, [$ff40] | [00]
     * * *     + Audio read : ff40 ->  0                 +                +
0244: cb 7f    | SP:dff7 AF:00a0 BC:0000 DE:0000 HL:0100 | bit 7, a       |
0246: 28 09    | SP:dff7 AF:00a0 BC:0000 DE:0000 HL:0100 | jr z, +9       |

It reads from $ff40 (LCD control) and if bit 7 is set enters an infinite loop. Not sure about the rationale 😕

Looking at the other emulators the IO area ($FF00 – $FF7F) is zeroed out at startup, which makes the tune play fine, while on gme it is set to $ff.

Will send a fix later.

Original comment by Michael Pyne (Bitbucket: mpyne, GitHub: mpyne).

Zero out IO area ($FF00 – $FF7F) at startup. Fixes issue #40