
Question about VGM (Master System) length and libgme built-in ffmpeg

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Original report by Vinícius Pontin (Bitbucket: vpontin, GitHub: vpontin).

I'm using the ffmpeg 4.3.1 build from gyan's website (which have libgme enabled) to convert Sonic 1 for Master System to m4a.

I run the following command to convert:

ffmpeg -i song.vgm output.m4a

Although the short tracks are converted with the proper time the songs from the stages/zones are converted to 3+ hours of length, instead of just loop one or two times and fade out or stick with a time limit like Chipamp plugin for Winamp does.

I kinda new using ffmpeg with libgme, can someone enlighten me about how to properly convert a vgm song to mp3/m4a with a reasonable length?

Original comment by Leandro Nini (Bitbucket: [Leandro Nini]( Nini), ).

For looping tunes the field gme_info_t.length is zero while the actual information is splitted into intro_length and loop_length, which ffmpeg does not handle yet.

This should be reported to the ffmpeg developers.

vico93 commented

Oh, that's sad. I dont even know how to get in contact with ffmpeg team to ask for it.

FFMPEG team has many ways to contact them: