安装最新版本的 1.6.0 在 MacOS Pro(M1) 无法打开,提示无权限迁移配置文件
zhgqthomas opened this issue · 8 comments
复现步骤 / Step to reproduce
从低版本升级到 1.6.0时
预期行为 / Expected behaviour
实际行为 / Actual Behaviour
Failed to finish migration event: child process failed: ExitStatus(unix_wait_status(25856)), err: Migration Split App Home Dir to Config and Data failed: Permission denied (os error 13); trying to discard changes
Migration Split App Home Dir to Config and Data discarded.
thread 'main' panicked at tauri/src/cmds/migrate.rs:67:22:
called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Custom { kind: InvalidInput, error: Error { kind: PermissionDenied, message: "Permission denied (os error 13)" } }
应用日志 / App logs
Failed to finish migration event: child process failed: ExitStatus(unix_wait_status(25856)), err: Migration Split App Home Dir to Config and Data failed: Permission denied (os error 13); trying to discard changes
Migration Split App Home Dir to Config and Data discarded.
thread 'main' panicked at tauri/src/cmds/migrate.rs:67:22:
called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: Custom { kind: InvalidInput, error: Error { kind: PermissionDenied, message: "Permission denied (os error 13)" } }
备注 / Addition details
No response
环境信息 / Environment information
Clash Nyanpasu 版本:1.6.0
操作系统: MacOS M1
自查步骤 / Verify steps
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- 您确保这个 Issue 只提及一个问题。如果您有多个问题报告,烦请发起多个 Issue / Ensure there is only one bug report in this issue. Please make mutiply issue for mutiply bugs
- 您确保已使用最新 Pre-release 版本测试,并且该问题在最新 Pre-release 版本中并未解决 / This bug have not solved in latest Pre-release version
请提交 migration.log
,他应该在 $HOME/Library/Application Support/Clash Nyanpasu/data
题外话,你之前有尝试使用 sudo
方式启动 App 么?
我是新安装1.6.0 macos m1,点击启动服务模式,输入管理员密码后,报服务模式start failed
我是新安装1.6.0 macos m1,点击启动服务模式,输入管理员密码后,报服务模式start failed
我的mac m1 电脑,也是点击启动服务模式,报start failed 错误,并且感觉新版本的内存占用达到了200多M,比之前的占用内存多很多
,他应该在$HOME/Library/Application Support/Clash Nyanpasu/data
目录下。 题外话,你之前有尝试使用sudo
方式启动 App 么?
我尝试过使用 sudo 来启动 App了,因为已经回退到 1.5.0 的版本,因此电脑上已经没有 migration.log 文件了
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