Internal Markdown links not working
leovct opened this issue · 3 comments
leovct commented
The link to transport protocols is broken on the intro page.
It redirects to this page which doesn't exist on ipfs
I get the following error on Chrome: ipfs resolve -r /ipfs/bafybeifxgfygni2u2wq2d73ws43hblb3mvmiplap5vfyesa5pwjsl2ur6a/concepts/introduction/transports/ no link named "transports" under QmYNJvZRXGPzPGQMYoujvnUzRLYVBfGdeo5HoeoSY652sp
salmad3 commented
Issue still persists, not the only page either.
salmad3 commented
I believe it is because of the project root and needing to use the relative path, updating now