
Bootstrapping doesn't work with ip6 link-local address

Closed this issue · 3 comments

R9295 commented

I'm using the following code on 2 laptops that are connected by LAN.
ip4 works just find but ip6 doesn't :/.

/* eslint-disable no-console */
"use strict";

const Libp2p = require("libp2p");
const TCP = require("libp2p-tcp");
const Mplex = require("libp2p-mplex");
const SECIO = require("libp2p-secio");
const Bootstrap = require("libp2p-bootstrap");

const bootstrapers = [

(async () => {
  const node = await Libp2p.create({
    addresses: {
      listen: ["/ip4/", "/ip6/::/tcp/5001"]
    modules: {
      transport: [TCP],
      streamMuxer: [Mplex],
      connEncryption: [SECIO],
      peerDiscovery: [Bootstrap]
    config: {
      peerDiscovery: {
        bootstrap: {
          interval: 60e3,
          enabled: true,
          list: bootstrapers

  node.connectionManager.on("peer:connect", connection => {
      "Connection established to:",

  node.on("peer:discovery", peerId => {
    console.log("Discovered:", peerId.toB58String());

  await node.start();


    "libp2p": "^0.28.5",
    "libp2p-bootstrap": "^0.10.4",
    "libp2p-mplex": "^0.9.5",
    "libp2p-secio": "^0.12.6",
    "libp2p-tcp": "^0.14.5",

Thanks for reporting this @R9295

Can you run the code using debug and provide me the logs? It would be quite useful:

It should be something as DEBUG=* node index.js. If possible, the logs working with ip4, and not working with ip6

R9295 commented

Hey @vasco-santos , thanks for the quick response. I fixed the issue. libp2p-tcp was not including interface name in the ip6 local address while attempting to connect.


wlp2s0 wasn't a part of the host in the multiaddr object which was used to connect.
I will submit a PR to js-multiaddr; super excited to commit to Libp2p!
Edit: PR to js-multiaddr isntead of js-libp2p

Closing this as we already have it in js-multiaddr