
I found typo error and wrong html tag

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I found some speakers name typo error and wrong html tags(missed html tag)

Then I sent fixed typo errors and wrong html tag.

Below is my pull-request.

  1. fixed some Speakers name typo
    案浦 浩二 Koji Annour to 案浦 浩二 Koji Annoura
    Linjie L to Linjie Lv

  2. fixed wrong html tags & add spacing
    <td><div class="speaker">DaeHyun Sung(성대현/成大鉉/ソン・デヒョン)</div>CJK issues (based on Korean Language and</div>Ideographs[漢字, Chinese characters]) on LibreOffice</td>
    <td><div class="speaker">DaeHyun Sung<br />(성대현/成大鉉/ソン・デヒョン)</div>CJK issues (based on Korean Language and Ideographs[漢字, Chinese characters]) on LibreOffice</td>

Plz, Check it, Cheer up!


the Pull-request had just accepted #9
So, I close the issue.