
Why is web page speedtest always higher than Android?

byte-art opened this issue · 4 comments

After many test data comparisons, in the same device and the same network environment, the download and upload values of web page speed measurement are higher than Android. Why?
Web page refers to librespeed speedtest HTML.

How much is the difference? Also, are they selecting the same server?

This might be specific to some phones. I have seen this issue only on samsung s9/s10. Pixel 7 works without issues.
I already tried to turn off power and data savings, but that didn't help.

Increasing ul_parallelStreams helps, but that seems more like a workaround than fix.

inson1 commented

Right know I have higher speed on Android. 1,5x-2,5x

I'm facing the same issue; increasing 'ul_parallelStreams' doesn't seem to make a difference.
Why does the web page display a higher speed test, especially for upload speeds?