
enabling tls/ssl causes significant drop in performance

Opened this issue · 1 comments


Downloaded the latest release which has the tls option and set up speedtest-go using tls/http2 using Letsencrypt certificates. This caused the download speeds to drop to approx. 66% and upload speeds to as low as 30%, compared to non-tls settings.


Running on a LXC Rocky 8.6 Linux install


Firefox 102.01 on macOS Monteray

Steps to reproduce

  • install latest release
  • activate tls/http2

Expected behaviour

Expected mostly the same up- and download speeds over tls or plain
Bildschirmfoto 2022-07-24 um 19 13 39


Added screenshots for wired and wireless tests. Lefts ones are without tls, right ones with tls/http2 enabled. Top ones are wired connections, bottom ones are on wireless.

HTTP2 Multiplexing mux multi http connection to one connection. Thus, speedtest result will always same as a single connection test result.
some technique to solve this, like use different domain, such as,,
browser treat them as different host despite their A record points to same host. therefore browser can make multi connection to same host