Text is shifted off-center when wrapped using TTF_WRAPPED_ALIGN_CENTER
Marmotus opened this issue · 4 comments
Hello! I've been enjoying my time using SDL a bunch and just noticed something that is causing me a slight issue. It seems like spaces are left over when text is wrapped, causing the text to be shifted a bit off-center. I've attached two images that hopefully demonstrate what I mean. The first one is when the text is too short to wrap, and the second one is when the text has been wrapped.
Would it be possible to change this behavior to trim trailing spaces like that?
Thank you all for the great library, by the way. 🙏😁
@1bsyl, can you look at this?
Actually, I have a handle on this as part of some other work that I'm doing. Never mind! :)
This is fixed for SDL_ttf 3.0. Please let me know if you run into any issues with it!