
Nooby question - specifically, what changes are needed in to get an homemade engine connected?

vibranium21 opened this issue · 19 comments

Nooby question - specifically, what changes are needed in to get an homemade engine connected?

Also, I seem to be having import could not be resolved issues?

You shouldn't change anything in You should only change Can you send your custom code that you have in or

Wow, I thought you were supposed to edit in enginewrapper. What should I add in for a simple python engine? What would you recommend for the import not resolved?

You should change the search function. There are many example engines like RandomMove. Change to the default one and add your code to Then if you still have the problem send your code in, so I can see what causes the error. Also, can you run lichess-bot with python -v -l log.txt and upload the log?

def search(self, board: chess.Board):
player_color = board.side_to_move
best_move = Minimax_Get_Move(board, 4, player_color, -20000, math.inf )
return best_move
Is this all I need?

Yes, just change player_color = board.side_to_move to player_color = board.turn and put the code inside a class.

[06/09/23 13:37:33] INFO Backing off play_game(...) for 0.4s (OSError: [WinError 193] %1 is not a
valid Win32 application)
INFO Backing off play_game(...) for 0.7s (OSError: [WinError 193] %1 is not a
valid Win32 application)
[06/09/23 13:37:35] INFO Backing off play_game(...) for 3.5s (OSError: [WinError 193] %1 is not a
valid Win32 application)
[06/09/23 13:37:38] INFO Backing off play_game(...) for 7.9s (OSError: [WinError 193] %1 is not a
valid Win32 application)
[06/09/23 13:37:47] INFO Backing off play_game(...) for 3.5s (OSError: [WinError 193] %1 is not a
valid Win32 application)
[06/09/23 13:37:51] INFO Backing off play_game(...) for 7.8s (OSError: [WinError 193] %1 is not a
valid Win32 application)
[06/09/23 13:37:59] INFO Backing off play_game(...) for 55.7s (OSError: [WinError 193] %1 is not a
valid Win32 application)

Have you seen this problem before?

Have you put protocol: "homemade" and name: "YOUR CLASS NAME" in config.yml? Can you send your logs from the start of lichess-bot when run with -v?

I did not have name as class name, that could possibly be the issue. But the engine uses uci.

If your engine isn't an executable and is connected to lichess-bot through then the protocol is "homemade".

I switched it to homemade but I am still getting the INFO Backing off play_game(...) for 88.7s (OSError: [WinError 193] %1 is not a
valid Win32 application) error

Run lichess-bot with python -v -l log.txt. When you get the error close lichess-bot and upload log.txt, so I can look into it.

In add:

from movegeneration import Minimax_Get_Move

class Engine(ExampleEngine):
    def search(self, board: chess.Board, *args: Any) -> PlayResult:
        player_color = board.turn
        best_move = Minimax_Get_Move(board, 4, player_color, -20000, math.inf )
        return best_move

Then in config.yml change:
name: to name: Engine

What about the engines directory?

Nothing will happen if you change it, so there is no reason to.
I fixed all the errors. Download it, rename config.yml.default to config.yml, add your token and it should be working.

tysm for doing this and putting up with my lack of lichess-bot experience