

M-DinhHoangViet opened this issue · 2 comments

[06/15/23 14:52:55] ERROR Quitting lichess-bot due to an error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Downloads\lichess-bot-master
(1)\lichess-bot-master\", line 991, in
File "C:\Downloads\lichess-bot-master
(1)\lichess-bot-master\", line 937, in start_lichess_bot
li = lichess.Lichess(CONFIG.token, CONFIG.url, version,
logging_level, max_retries)
File "C:\Downloads\lichess-bot-master
(1)\lichess-bot-master\", line 95, in init
raise RuntimeError("Please use an API access token for your bot
that "
RuntimeError: Please use an API access token for your bot that has the
scope "Play games with the bot API (bot:play)". The current token has:
['email:read', ' preference:read', ' preference:write', ' follow:read',
' follow:write', ' msg:write', ' challenge:read', ' challenge:write', '
challenge:bulk', ' tournament:write', ' team:read', ' team:write', '
team:lead', ' puzzle:read', ' racer:write', ' study:read', '
study:write', ' bot:play', ' engine:read', ' engine:write'].

O glad I found this. Was having this problem as well

Ok, thank