
Supporting other languages?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Is there a possibility that we can support other languages?

Reasons for supporting other languages:

  • Making the opening explorer more accessible for people who do not speak English.
  • creating a possibility for people to search for the opening in their native language, talking about openings to other people in the native language.
  • it looks better when there is only one language on a page

This is probably a big amount of work, especially with hundreds of lines of Openings, but some basic translations can probably be done for popular openings.

Do you think it would be feasible to split a name like

Hungarian Opening: Reversed Brooklyn Defense, Brooklyn Benko Gambit

into components like

Hungarian Opening
Reversed Brooklyn Defense
Brooklyn Benko Gambit

to avoid duplicated work, or will some languages naturally have special names for specific lines?

Is there any hope generalizing <name> Opening, <name> Gambit, etc.?

I think that splitting the opening names into the suggested components is a good idea. But I don't know if this generalization is possible in every language in every case. Sometimes the "Formation" could be called a "Variation" in a specific language. Also, some languages have different grammar. For example, in German the "King's Gambit" is written in one word as "Königsgambit". But perhaps the larger parts could be generalized, and exceptions could be handled separately.