
Inconsistent game analysis

zachee54 opened this issue · 1 comments

I realized that some of my games came into an inconsistent analysis.
Last example :
The end of game is analysed as follows :
Logically, if white can mate in 12 after playing 26.Kf6+, they could also mate in 13 after the previous black move 25.Rf7. Actually, the evaluation must also be #12 after the next black move 26...Qxf6, and not +24.4 as displayed.
This doesn't make sense.
This is even less understandable as you notice that 26...Qxf6 was a forced move, and so shouldn't have any effect on the evaluation.

This is not the first time I notice such inconsistencies, but at first I passed through. I can remember that after my opponent moved I could mate in n moves, and when I moved the game was then evaluated to #(n-3) instead of, at least, #(n-1).

For information, all my games analysis were requested from the mobile app.
Hope it will help.

Thanks for reporting.

Unfortunately, this is by design. The positions are analysed independently and engines use various heuristics to prune the search tree. A mate is guaranteed to actually be a mate, but other scores are not guaranteed not to be mate when searching deeper.