
fishnet overshoots cores=auto when transitioning from stockfish to fairy-stockfish

jim-perkins opened this issue · 1 comments

This is not a critical issue but wanted to mention it . Maybe I just need to set my cores manually ? My server is in the basement and when the number of cores used is overshot I can hear the roaring fans of my old SuperMicro server running full force upstairs :-) I think during peak times ( appx 17:00 GMT ) the server is heated up and these additonal threads just puts it over the top for a couple minutes

cat fishnet.ini | grep cores
cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor|wc -l
./fishnet-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --help| grep -A1 cores
        --cores <CORES>                Number of logical CPU cores to use for engine processes (or
                                       auto for n - 1, or all for n)

So fishnet should be using 21 cores

The best I could troubleshoot this down is when fishnet transitions to a variant game which uses fairy-stockfish it does not respect the cores limit. I have attached some pics of top:

this is correct as it is using 21 cores

this is using more than 21 cores and is overloading the server

on a not so related note the PID's and the TIME's listed in top would normally be closely matched. However over time , threads hang and are restarted. This is noted in the fishnet log.

If there is anything I can do to help narrow this down, just point me in the right direction. I glanced but didnt see an option to turn debugging on or if that would help.


Top was only updating every 3 seconds so i guess this is the average over that time. Beginning to think my server is just heating up during consistent use from fishnet