
doesn't run when IPv6 is disabled

darkBuddha opened this issue ยท 7 comments

E: error sending request for url ( error trying to connect: dns error: Address family not supported by protocol (os error 97). Backing off 255ms.

I cannot reproduce this after sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1. Can you please provide more details about your operating system, network and DNS configuration?

Debian 11, it happened with the sysctl command and also with disable_ipv6=1 kernel parameter. It was a fresh Hetzner bare metal server with their default DNS, I don't have access to it any more and don't know the DNS settings.

Replicated it, but issue disappeared when I removed IPv6 DNS entries from /etc/resolv.conf.

Thanks for looking into it!

It might still be a bug, don't know why it preferred the IPv6 entries.

I found this sentence in the readme: Low-bandwidth network communication with Lichess servers (only outgoing HTTP requests, so probably no firewall configuration required, IPv4 not required

Maybe there is some connection to the ignoring of IPv4 DNS records, if IPv6 is disabled?

Mhh ... I don't think so. That's just intended to mean that can be reached via IPv6.